Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Desperately Seeking Suggestions

Currently I am in the process of organizing and launching an online publicity arm for my PR agency. The movement has already been approved, though I must have a proposal plan/outline completed by the end of the week. As you may have guessed, simply based on the fact that you are reading this blog right now, I'm at a loss about where to start. So I figured, maybe writing a blog will get the juices flowing. My problem is constructing the grand scheme and assigning an order to what few processes I have determined must occur.

I've attended panels and webinars about Social Media, Web 2.0, and blogging, but all seem to be more directed towards those companies that already have a very involved website and/or blog. I've done my Internet research, but still feel void of key elements and know-how necessary to the start-up process. I feel like once I get the ball rolling, once I gain some momentum, not only will things start to fall into place more naturally, but I'll also have a better idea of how to navigate, based on the live action. Right now it's as if I'm trying to draw a map to some distant place I visited when I was younger; I know what the place looks like, but I really wouldn't be able to create a layout for how to get there.

Of course, it's occurred to me that maybe I'm selling myself short. Maybe - like other endeavors that I've let fizzle and dry out despite having been quite excited about them at one point - I'm just too scared of the jumping off point, or too intimidated by the work that a new and unfamiliar project requires. Maybe, just maybe, all those informational forums have formed some sort of retention in my brain and I actually do have the capacity to tackle this obstacle. Maybe...

Regardless, if anyone out there has any suggestions whatsoever, broad or specific, in regards to the development of a detailed proposal plan for launching an online publicity website and/or blog, my ears are wiiiide open.


kels said...

i think this is over my head but i suspect you will do a great job. sounds like you do know how to do this somehow, you just need to realize that you CAN do it. it is hard starting out and trying to prove yourself. i can relate...
good luck!

Stepiphany said...

Thanks for the positive reinforcement. Sometimes that's all it takes... hopfully that's the case for me!

Unknown said...

Sorry over my head too. but if i think of something i'll tell you the idea. mwaa