Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Something Very Much Worth Watching

On Monday night I was introduced to the outrageously hilarious sketch comedy group, "The Whitest Kids U'Know." Jon had told me awhile back to check them out and I never got around to it. But on Monday night I found myself on Lauren's couch with her and her bros, watching, I kid you not, two straight hours of sketch after sketch. Every time one finished we couldn't get to the next one quickly enough. They are GREAT. Season 2 premieres Sunday, February 10, and you can buy Season 1 uncut and uncensored here.

Here are couple of the sketches that had me holding my stomach and trying to catch my breath (No! Because of laughter). But of course, there were so many great ones that you're really just going to have to watch them all for yourself at the Whitest Kids website or the IFC website (note the episode tabs above the embedded video). Oh, and you must have some sort of appreciation for potty humor in order to enjoy some of their sketches, so there's that.

This one is awesome, despite having a silly ending (the 'personal jinx' is my favorite part):

And then there's this one, for dorks like me (definitely watch through the very end):

This one too: watch through the very end

And for the older crowds:

And the best for last:

But, oh my god, how could I even narrow it down to four? You really must devote some free time to this show.

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