Thursday, October 25, 2007

Okay, Stop.

No really. STOP.

Get out. This is the cutest thing I have ever seen. It had me laughing out loud in my office.

As you readers probably all know by now, I have the most adorable twin nieces and baby nephew. I know that's a bold statement, but it's oh so true. Please take a moment to absorb the wonder that is my nieces' Halloween costumes. I couldn't dream of not sharing such a visual.

(For all the stress involved with having three kids, two of which are twins, at least my sister has fun with it.)


Unknown said...

that is almost too cute. Its funny how they have pink incorporated into the costumes

Stepiphany said...

I made those very observations to myself yesterday :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with you and Josh, the pink is amusing.

I also find it funny how they are basically wearing normal clothes - Well, duh - but what I mean is that kids dress like that all the time, these outfits don't even need to be costumes!

I think the eye patch and toy horse are the only things I wouldn't let them wear to the'd probably let them wear that too. They're so damned cute.

Stepiphany said...

Cute as can be. One my way to visit with them in about an hour.