Sunday, February 10, 2008

Well i'm too old to lose, baby, I'm too young to win.

I've officially and frighteningly just found my first gray hair. I'm tempted to just leave it there. I don't feel anymore stressed lately than the usual levels so I wonder what caused such a thing to happen. Could it have to do with one's diet at all? I'd like prevent this from happening again.


Anonymous said...

gray hair is the new boobjob.

Stepiphany said...

i'm suspicious of your implications... JON.

Kenny said...

one gray hair>many gray hairs>all gray hair>librarian

Stepiphany said...

Your comment looks like a confusing mathematical statment.

When can I expect multiple cats to enter the picture? Uhm, I mean... sexiest librarian you know, SUCKA!!

Kenny said...

librarian>garden enthusiast>multiple cats>beanie baby addiction>sad lonely death

Stepiphany said...

What a horrible thing to say. And to think, the very least I've ever given you is my undying affection.

Kenny said...

i thought beanie babies was a little too real. sorry.

Anonymous said...

On a less humorous note:
If I remember correctly I found my first gray hair at about your age...maybe even younger.
Anyway, I have lots now and it not so bad.


kels said...

i like to tell people it means that i am wise beyond my friggin' years OK? although t has taken to pulling them out....

Anonymous said...

im pretty sure its just genetics... people can go gray in their early twenties... it HAS been know to happen... and who doesnt like a little salt n' peppa

Stepiphany said...

Wait a sec, is that a sly reference to the hip hop trio (including Spinderella, of course)??