Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Where does it go?

It's funny how some days you think you're on top of the world. You start your day off right: wake up early, make a delicious batch of whole wheat pancakes, have time to relax and drink your coffee at home, feel great in the brand new cozy sweater you chose for a cloudy and cold Autumn day... all those things prepare for what will come next in your day. Before even leaving for work you feel great about the tasks that lie ahead of you, you feel excited and motivated to go into work and conquer, produce. You know you're on top of all you projects and you think you're doing a great job.

And then a bomb drops. And it makes you feel like crap. Makes you feel like the little seven year old boy who trots home from school and can't wait until his dad gets home from work to tell him about the A++ he got on his arithmetic test. Daddy get homes. But when little Joey, bursting with excitement and pride, gushes about his more than perfect grade, daddy, wreaking of dissatisfaction, gruffly remarks, 'now if you can only learn to hit the ball at t-ball practice.'

That's how I feel.
I hate trying to salvage a lost sense of worth and motivation. I want my morning back. Wah.

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