Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Writers Strike Provides Distraction

There are 10,000 writers marching in front of my building right now, making their way west on Hollywood Blvd.

It's times like this that I wish I had listened to Josh when he said, "you should really go with a digital camera that uses AA batteries, rather than a rechargeable. You know that when that crucial photo-op comes you're camera is going to unexpectedly die." He was right. I got about 4 crappy pictures before I was instructed to change my battery pack.

I was first disrupted by multiple long, deep train-like horns. I thought myself, "hmm, that's odd. There are no trains on Hollywood and Cahuenga." So I went out to investigate. The horns I heard were actually coming from 4 or 5 eighteen wheelers which were ever-so slowly paving the way for 10,000 picketing would-be writers dressed in red and chanting, "when I say 'union' you say 'power' 'union'... 'POWER', 'union'... 'POWER'!!" There were people on stilts, in costumes, helicopters in the sky and more camera crews than I could care to begin counting.

But alas... my attempt at amateur journalism is halted by the fact that my camera is out of batteries. That's not a good sign.


Anonymous said...

I'm so crazy with my camera that I keep a spare battery at home, and if I even think my battery's wearing down, I keep it in my purse.

But, I am crazy.

kels said...

seriously your job sounds so cool. i am jealous!

Stepiphany said...

Kels: unfortunately this has nothing to do with my job. The protest just happened to be outside my building and I took a self-relegated break for some on-the-scene observance. Luckily my office IS in a busy part of town, i.e. Hollywood.

Marissa: No wonder you're always on point with the pictures. I was so disappointed that I couldn't capture the moment!

kels said...

oops sorry i commented on the wrong post...seriously i am total dork sometimes, i was reading one of the ones below this one.

kels said...

holy could i say the word one any more?

Stepiphany said...

Just one more of these 'ones' on any one of these posts makes for one awfully plural sounding 'one'.