Thursday, December 20, 2007

With Bells On

Despite the busy stores, traffic laden streets, and high stress levels, I am fully embracing the controlled chaos that is partnered with the holiday season. Today my coworker declared to me that I am "losing it." She quickly followed her statement with, "but I think we all are," implying that current conditions are due to the craziness that accompanies preparations around this time of year. Yeees, eeeexcellent... I appear to be losing it only because my mind has been so plagued with holiday pitching and gift shopping lists. It has nothing to do with my inherent personality. That's the ticket!

Any other time of year, I would attempt to dispel this notion that my brain's a little out there; that while everyone else is right here on earth I'm wandering around the moon, quietly fascinated with this one strange little crater that rests right about where Cindy Crawford's beauty mark would be if it were her face projected on the moon. But no, not this time. This time I choose to take no offense to the mere observation that's been made. This time I am responding with, "Yes. Yes I am losing it." And if people want to think it's due to holiday fever, then so be it; this sort of scapegoat opportunity only comes around so often.

So if I forget your name, seem a bit detached, look a bit disheveled, or ask a question that necessitates a long explanation which, incidentally, you already recited to me yesterday, then please, take no offense and think no less of my capabilities; I'm just really losing it with all this holiday madness.

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